Monday, April 23, 2007

FYI, 13yo skool grl is nu US txt mssg chmpN

So the text messaging championships happened yesterday, and a 13 year old girl won.

Here's the article.

Now my comments and thought on the whole thing... read the article. (or you might not understand my ramblings...)

First of all the girl is 13 years old. IMHO a kid should not get a cell phone until they are driving. Now I understand if they need one at a younger age, in certain situations, but 13 seems a bit young.

How she practised... she sent an average of 8,000 text messages a month, which the article points out, is at the rate of one every 5 and a half minutes! What is there to talk about that cant be done on the phone, using voice? I mean that's not a phone, that's an SMS machine!

One thing I do like is the prize money... $10k is not bad.

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