Monday, April 30, 2007

Tasty Blog Snacks

I recently came across a blog, Tasty Blog Snack, when I was searching for Iminlikewithyou invites. iJustine, the blogger, had a post about it, and it came up on the Google search.

Anyway, I didn't find an invite, but I found a cool new blog. She is a freelance web designer and video editor. For some reason I like blogs like that. And, of course, when I saw that she is on Twitter... I was hooked. Check it out!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

My HP Pavilion ze1250

Here's my HP Pavilion ze1250. I have wanted a laptop for a while, and when I saw an email from a friend of an aquaintence of ours, I was excited. It's on the older side, but it runs XP Home with ease. The reason I got it for so cheap (can you say less than $100?) was that the battery is completely shot. So it has to be on AC power at all times. It's not that much of a downside to me, since I'll mostly be near a wall outlet anyway.

Of it's notable features (some good, some not so good): It has a DVD player and quick boot time. And it runs hot after a while. (When I was downloading essential programs and installing a lot of stuff, it got so hot it was almost unbearable.)

It has a PC Card slot, which will be nice for a wireless internet card. The guy I bought it from couldn't find the card that he used with it, so maybe I can find one cheaply on Newegg.

If nothing else it can sit on my desk, stream music, and notify me of Twitter updates.

Monday, April 23, 2007

FYI, 13yo skool grl is nu US txt mssg chmpN

So the text messaging championships happened yesterday, and a 13 year old girl won.

Here's the article.

Now my comments and thought on the whole thing... read the article. (or you might not understand my ramblings...)

First of all the girl is 13 years old. IMHO a kid should not get a cell phone until they are driving. Now I understand if they need one at a younger age, in certain situations, but 13 seems a bit young.

How she practised... she sent an average of 8,000 text messages a month, which the article points out, is at the rate of one every 5 and a half minutes! What is there to talk about that cant be done on the phone, using voice? I mean that's not a phone, that's an SMS machine!

One thing I do like is the prize money... $10k is not bad.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

In memory of the fallen at Virginia Tech

It was a horrible tragedy on Monday, April 16, 2007, where a student murdered 32 people on campus at Virginia Tech. My heart goes out to all of the victim's families.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Firefox inside of Firefox

I heard about this crazy little trick for Firefox on Thursday's (04/12/07) episode of Buzz Out Loud.

It's Firefox inside of Firefox.
(The link will send you to a blog post with all of the details)

Basically a certain URL will open a new tab with firefox inside it... and you can keep going.

I'll try to get an insane screenshot up here when I get the chance!


Tuesday, April 10, 2007


So, I joined Jaiku yesterday...

I joined the Jaiku
Although I like Twitter so
It is pretty cool

And I had to make a Jaiku haiku of course.

Here's my Jaiku page:

It seems like a cool alternative to Twitter, you can comment sorta forum style to Jaikus, and add a little icon to your Jaikus. It has a very polished Web 2.0 feel, but there are some things that I don't like:
  • The big ad for the Nokia phone that works with Jaiku on the side
  • Some Jaikus just randomly don't show up (just a bug I hope)
  • The badges don't have room to display all 140 characters

I do like that you can import feeds (including Twitter, Flickr, and Blogger) and when new stuff apprears on that feed it creates a Jaiku.

Anyway, I'll use Jaiku a little bit, Twitter is still my favorite.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Nikon's Universcale

Here's a really cool flash app from Nikon that contains the "entire" universe to scale, Universcale. It starts with the outer reaches of the universe then gets smaller, all the while to scale.

You can find Universcale on Nikon's Japanese site, although all the text is in English.

I think it's pretty cool, check it out!

(I found about this on Buzz Out Loud, from a CNET blog, Webware.)

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Google TiSP(beta)

Google is now offering free in-home wireless broadband service! It's called Google TiSP.

April Fools'!

If you didn't get the joke, the installation instructions will help you out.

(I was actually excited about this program, till I read the details!)